
Local Information

Previous Workshops

ETAPS 2014


The VSSE program now includes the slides from the invited speakers! Many thanks to you all for the great workshop!


This year the VSSE workshop consists solely of invited talks from experts in the area of incremental verification across the domain: we will have a program highlighting static and dynamic analysis methods, formal verification, testing, and technologies combining these ideas.


This workshop focuses on the verification and testing of software change and upgrades. Software is usually not written all at once, but is built incrementally for several reasons, including:

  • Maintenance - fixing errors and flaws, hardware changes, etc.
  • Enhancements - new functionality, improved efficiency, extension, new regulations, etc.

Changes are done frequently during the lifetime of most systems and can introduce software errors that were not present in the old version or expose errors that were present before but did not get exercised. In addition, upgrades are done gradually, so the old and new versions have to co-exist in the same system. This workshop will address the issue of efficient and reliable verification of system changes and upgrades by means of formal verification and dynamic analysis techniques.

Important Dates

  • Workshop: April 5, 2014


Program chair

Antti Hyvärinen (University of Lugano, Switzerland)

The PINCETTE project team (pincette-project.eu):

Hana Chockler (King's College London)

Daniel Kroening (Oxford, UK)

Natasha Sharygina (University of Lugano, Switzerland)

Antti Hyvärinen (University of Lugano, Switzerland)

Grigory Fedyukovich (University of Lugano, Switzerland)

Leonardo Mariani (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)

Giovanni Denaro (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)